Feb 26, 2014

Quick Shoot for February 2014

To be honest with you this month was the shortest i ever had in UAE, for this point i have a couple things to share with you. Well if i turn back to find out how everything starts it was looking promising, i've moved finaly to a f..'n nice apartment, quite, clean, confortable and nice in all the matters of daily confort. The work still going good, i can't tell you it was great, the customers still get some time to go in and buy some stuff but even soo, with some discount and the great customer service which my great team soruonds them we've got some nice numbers, even so, bigg bosses fucked us up by the end of the month making our asses to shake as a jelley about of security of our jobs, fuck it live gos forward, and we still growing and doing better and better we can do day after day in the land of dreams at Geddes and Gillmore, so we get couple more chances, best regards to our clever and kind mr y.
From the bigining of the month i was expecting the salary to start going regulary for gym, put some muscles on my ribs and back, but for some misterious reasons it was delayed for two weeks so we keeped it high jogging and spending the sweet time for dreams in the arms of movies fighting for Oscars.  That's just one part of the coin, the sweet heart which i was aproaching on fb, disapeared for a while and the qoute that eyes that you don't see you gonna forget comes swiftly in my mind and my ears as a sneak shake and whisper, damn it! Still lives take what's belong to it, and i couldn't leave myself just in the hazadrous mixing of the things, so for some very enjoyble reasons i organizes an Moldovian Barbeque Party, with a very mixed population taking people from diferent types of buissness, places of work, countries, and music preferencies and gathered all together. It wasn't tough, but it took some time till everbody set up their mind for party and enjoyment, so by the time the bbq was ready, royal pepsi with vodka was going in the glasses almost everbody got the feeling that it's gonna be a good night, as the Black Eyed Peace use to sing it in one of their greatest songs(i gonna feeling that tonight gonna a be a good good night...).
And the most interesting just started after de bbq, couple day after this i went with one of my friend to check it out the cars in the carmarket in Sharjah, and by the way we got the amaizing sushi at my dear friends in World Trade Center Hotel Apartments, thank you Edik, Catea si compania... Next day i've got a message from Alex and after duty i find myself around with two nice philipina ladies enjoying the moldovian zama made by Alex, it was delicious so i just couldn't keep myself to not say that till now everthing was too much nice, too much good. 
I can not tell you any concern about my new room and new mates in the apartment becouse it was too funny and nice to live in this place. Just to make the things clear we a living for in a room(three moldovian with one kirgiz) and the rest a philipines the most lovely people you can ever meat in this country. Sometimes you cand find yourself in the smog of the fried fish which smells interesting but it's all right. In the kitchen there are at least 5-6 rise cookers, but it's great the rice keeps you full and energized so you don't waste too much time to boil it in a traditional way. There is couples and food making so you can descover diferent types of dishes we never meat before so the knowledges of asian food is growing in our mind with or without our will. When the internet is kind of plaing some foolish games with us you can see the internet caffe in our "living room" in leading rolls being Gregory or our fresh engaged Alex.
We celebrate it quite but great in the same time the 14 and the 23-rd of february, the Dragobete's day was soundless, and the end of the week seems to be even more funnier with one double bbq party in same Heritage Park Al Mina, and a martisor or pizza party in the begining of this amaizing sweet spring, the time will show it up till then all the best and great whishes. Live your life nice, intense and make it unforgetble.
Maxim respect: Ion M. Cerga, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Feb 24, 2014

Despre emiratele astea arabe(part one)

Dacă tot de mai bine de un an și jumătate locuiesc în Emiratele Arabe Unite și încet încet m-am acomodat cu mediul social de aici, pestriț multietinic, politeist și sufocant în lunile caniculare de vară, am zis să arunc câteva priviri asupra unor date esențiale despre această țară. Având în afară de Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab, Atlantis, Wild Wady, Ferrari World, Grand Mosk și Water World de pe Yas Island o mulțime de alte lucuri pe care un turist sau altcineva care locuiește aici ar fi bine să le cunoască.
Aruncând o privire fugară pe wikipedia.org putem spune ca Emiratele Arabe Unite sau UAE este o federație formată din șapte emirate. Ele sunt conduse de emiri aleși iereditar, care alcătuiesc Consiluil Federal Suprem, instituția legislativă și executivă a statului, având în frunte un președinte. UAE cuprinde următoarele emirate: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain. Capitala este orașul Abu Dhabi, religia oficială Islamulul și limba administrației este araba. Totul a început odată cu extracțiile de petrol din Abu Dhabi în anii 60 ai secolului trecut, când aceste venituri imense au fost direcționate în domeniul sănătății, educației și a infrastructurii. Artizanul acestei uniuni a fost sheikh-ul Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, care a a fost ales ulterior primul președinte an noii formațiuni statale. Potrivit estimărilor Emiratele ocupă locul șapte în lume după rezervele de țiței, gaze naturale și venitul mediu pe cap de locuitor, fiind cea mai avansată economie din Asia de vest. Cel mai populat oraș este Dubai-ul care este un veritabil centru de afaceri care unește Orientul Mijlociu și Africa. Moneda națională este Dirhamul care este echivalentul aproximativ al leului românesc. În afara limbei arabe aici se mia vorbesc următoarele limbi: engleza, hindu, urdu, tagalo, farsi(persiana/iraniana). Cele mai încemnate grupe etnice sunt băștinașii(Emirati) 16.6 %, alți arabi(egipteni, marocani,tunisieni, alegerieni, libanezi, iordanieini, palestinieni, sirieni, etc)  23%, circa 42 % din populația emiratelor este originară din Sudul Asiei(în special indieni, pakistanezi, nepalezi, sri lankieni, filipinezi, etc), circa 12 % sunt alțe persoane de origine asiatică și doar 6 % sunt originari de pe alte continente. Suprafața Emiratelor Arabe Unite este 83,600d km2  în care locuiesc circa 5,473,972 de oameni. 

Feb 18, 2014

Moldovian Barbeque in Abu Dhabi 15.02.2014

It's quite an epic title og all this story wat was gling on couple days ago, an event, a meating , a moment of peace, joy, funand musict all mixed together with some "Royal" Pepsi, smoked meat, jokes and nice people.
To be honest with you it past almost a year form my last going out for a barbeque, it was accidently in february 2013, with some people i never meat before, but with whom i felt myself nice and in a great mood for an entire evening on the sandy and windy beach on the persian gulf in direction of Jabal Ali. When the sound of the sms from bank acount was still fresh in my mind, the demons of living the life in a decent, interesting and active way, painted in front of my brains window a scene with meat, jokes, nice people, good time and music, good music, and here you are we sartede the rock n roll. All this long or short four monthes of working in one the most new mall in Abu Dhabi shows their worth and i around 10 mminutes M'Cerga was discussing the details and the proposal of the moldovaian bbq with moldovian ladie's workin for a fency house of fashion, at least they pretend being so. What so ever, comunication is basic of the organization so i spread the news in the area, and i was surprised of the enthusiasm of each and everbody of this ideea, and the things from words to reality worked fast as never for Stefan cel Mare the went away nephews and nieces. All this preparation took around two weeks till the moment in which in fact we decided the place, the time, the meniu, how many persons are coming and how;s the time shifting will for for everbody to be able to join us. It was an foggy saturday morning, i waked up early get the clothes on and went to work, meanwhile it was raining and by the time of my first cigarete break it was nice and sunny. Suddenly i've got hte message from the bank and day become even brighter after i solved some missunderstanding conected with some cusotmers and a jacket. By the time i finished everting was ready the meat aws waiting for us in a fridge, special thanks for Grigorie who was so kind and helpfull helping with groceries, marinating and as well preparing the barbeque for our entire multinational and multicultural company.
It was suposed to be an moldovian barbeque, a party where we cand meat more our conationals, make some new friendships, new relations and all together to enjoyu the comunication with some food and drinks in the limits of the local laws and regulation. It's starts in this way but in the end because of diferencies in shift, places of work, lack of information and God knows what other reasons, we've got as well couple girls from Philipines and three Kirghiz. "Royal Pepsi" was quite delicious so after a while people get more freedom of speaking , discusing, laughing and singing together with me verses from popular song ore more known such as Last Christmat by Wham, Hit the Road Jack, Ioane Ioane, Preety women, Vidili Noci, Batareyka, Carlas Dreams- Pohui, some Christmas carols, Treceti batalioane romane carpatii, Kino-Kogda tvoya devochka bolina and soo on an on till people start to dance, and the fire of joy started to blink and all's eyes. By the way the meat was delicious, snaks, vegetables more then welcomed. For sure the table wasn't looking as the sheikh's one but at least it hade the maine elements for joy and stomach satisfaction.
When the blessed sunday time arrived we've beend still staing in the park but were  preparing to go home, even so nobody was rushing to much except couple ladies who said that they had a work to do or something similar. I reliased that event molst of the people who came were just freshmans here i was glad that someone thought about this kind of meating and invite as much people it was posible, i felt myself grat and happy deeply in my heart and i want to thank all these people who came in and had that great saturday evening together.