Nov 30, 2015

great things happens

Middle of the night, past one or two, don't know, he's crying and shouting i open slowly the eyes and looking to the blessed scene of by beloved one trying to pacify him, holding him on my arms after a walk around the blocks Mihai-Alexandru with a angel lovable face falls asleep. It's not an event is a part of our daily life and a new things coming inside of my soul and understanding the world and the things.
Reviewing back the thoughts of four years ago it's not a great deal to notice the changes arrived in time. In order to make such statements are coming the books which i read the people i meat and the life experiences of recent years. I'll never forget the Chesecake Factory, Sri Lanka holiday or parties on the beach or parks with great people, atmosphere and magic pepsi. As someone said in life everything is all about fighting your demons and make it happen, happen what? that's the main question and the answer of it you'll find inside of your inner world and soul, what's the dream and vision you created in your mind about your life being, destiny and what so ever.
Turning around  the shoulder of last year new years eve, i can notice almost all of that thinks in front of me, reason to be happy or to search more and push more the limits, everything what you have is the result of your desire and your thoughts, for some it work for some it may be not but this is out of my business.
Dale Carnegie, Robert Kiosaky, Napolen Hill, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Mihail Bulgakov, Charles Dickens, Karl Marx, Sir Conan Doyle, Sun Tzu, Osho, Robert Swarma, Richard Branson, Bear Grylles and so many other we my close and real friends, sourse of inspiration and motivation to push it forward, give it more sense to simple common things that surrounding us and affects us massively. It was an totaly fantastic year of my life that starts with a holiday in Phillipines and of joy, paradise nature and amazing culture. Months by we get a car and moving to Abu Dhabi in our life appears Mihai-Alexandru, world class explorer even before his birth:))The blessing were following in row so we have mama visiting us of couple days being impressed by @india in dubai@ and Abu Dhabi, joining new  company and preparing for the first our Christmas in the family, Roxanne, me, Mihail-Alexandru si mama Rosa.
Worlds stream information overwhelm the brain and heart, that's the reason you need to develop a great filter to keep afloat. Events in sport, politics, economics, society are as much important as you feel free to consider them otherwise it's just remains just a newsletter of a spam feed on your life's wall. As the p.s. 1st december is national day of Romania one more reason to celebrate for us and Mihail-Alexandru.
lets make the dreams some true and life amazing and memorable things overall all of us because there is a simple true wherever you are You never walk alone!!!

Aug 18, 2015

Вася Обломов - Стабильность (2012) Весь альбом

Вася Обломов - Человек хороший

The things that realy matters

Years ago being in university we we singing with Dima, Gandac, Ion, Vadim, Cristi and other the famous words of Metallica that Nothing else matters. Sweet times, student years, now after time past we living and working in different countries with different faiths and different realities. Coming again and again what are the things that really matters  over time?
I don't gonna judge anyone, speaking only about myself. During the time we use to have different goals, dreams and living in communities with people that influence us and puts an mark on our way of being and doing, everything flows nothing is hammered in nails.
Ladies and gentlemen i thank our dear Lord from His blessed heavens for every sing moment and breath of clean air. I thank him for the childhood as it was, born in Soviet Union, carried by my blessed father on the national meetings in the 90's and for best cherries and strawberries in long summer nights in vilage of my grand parents.
Important things: parents and family, only after living house, being abroad a lot you really understand that family is the greatest blessing that a human being can get, differences from generations fades when we stay together with our parents, kids and grandchildren. Love, care and health and many years our dear family and our pillars of our life.
Faith: all the motivationals speakers speaks about the importance of the faith and about the real impact of the belief in some super power, God, Energy, Creator, no matters the way people understand it, this is the force which make us to achieve, realize our goals and the purpose of our life. In long traveling in my student years i realize that the monastery life is not for me, nobody ask it for everyone but pray and being helpful for the  community and people around is's simple and give to the routine of daily life another dimension.
Dreams: with out them we start to die and we start losing the purpose of living, no matters what the world will try to make you belief it's a thing that matters. I dream about a different life form the examples i was seeing around me. Now i realise that something come to life: i'm woking and living in a different country with great views and possibilities, boring families, God no, gorgeous wife from  Philipines and a God given gift a strong wonder kid Mihail Alexandru, and thing goes on and on, and the dreams and things that we a dreaming sometimes in a certain day will come true. We don't stop and we continue dream and search for more and for better for us and for people around us!!!

May 26, 2015

Vacation in Philippines with Ion si Roxane M. Cerga

Wolf of the wall street, insemnari post lectura

Tocmai am terminat lectura cartii lui Jordan Belfort, The wolf of the wall street. O carte pe cat de interesant pe atat de revelatoare asupra multitudinii realitatii in care traim. Adevarul cel mai simplu este ca dincolo de limitele geografice, diferentele sociale, politice si culturale, cine are a reusi in viata asta, nu are alta alternativa decat succesul sau moartea. In cazul lui Befort jucat incredibil de frumos de Leonardo Dicaprio in filmul regizat de Martin Scorseze, publicul larg a putut vedea excesele lumii antrenate in "luptele" de la bursa de valori din Wall Street, ascensiunea si prabusirile imperiilor financiare, jocurile de culise care imbogatesc peste noapte oameni si care pot ruina in totalitate state si natiune cum a fost cazul crizei financiare din 2008 efectele careia le resimte oarecum fiecare si acum dupa mai bine de sapte ani.
Jim Rhon spunea ca atunci cnad ne formam caracterul si personalitatea aem nevoie sa cumpanim cartile despre bine si rau. Operele si vietile lui Stalin si Hilter in opozitie cu activitatea si invataturilor lui Martin Luther King Jr sau Mahatma Ghandi, Vietile marilor artisti versus invataturile si vietile sfintilor parinti, caci niciodata nu este mai relevant adevarul si lectiile trecutului decand punand fata in fata cele doua extreme.
Limbajul folosit de autor si stilul prezentarii naratiunii in sine este deopotriva captivant si cu intorsaturi surprinzatoare, actiunea e cursiva cu urcusuri si coborasuri, clara sau opaca pe alocuri reiesind din cantitatea de droguri din venele personajului narator din momentele prezentate.
Cartea de pe noptiera, mai bine spus cartea din drumul spre serviciu a lui Jordan Belfort are unele momente in care surprinde trasaturile si atitudinile agentilor de vanzari de la bursa de valori, care dupa o introducere in lumea exceselor dar si a tehnicilor de vanzari de la Stradfor Oakland la finalul conversatiei cu clientii obtineau un categoric da. Filmul urmeaza fidel randurile cartii si tinind cont de actulitatea celor relatate internetul si youtube-ul e plin cu secvente video cu persoanele mentionate in carte, iar transformarile lui Mad Max in Sir Max mia-u placut in mod deosebit.
Lectura placuta

Mar 20, 2015

Un an de dragoste

Cineva a spus ca dragostea tine cinci ani, adevar sau fictiune, timpul imi va arata cat temei au aceste cuvinte. Pana una alta de la o vreme se vede ca a inceput sa-mi priasca viata, si de rau de bine, ne-am luat cu Roxanne la intrecere cine are mai mare burtica, si tin sa martusiresc ca dupa patru luni am fost nevoit sa accept ca m-a batut, fericiti si deschisi noii provocari de a deveni parinti.
Cu toate aceste povestea noastra a inceput in primele clipe ale anului 2014 cand mi-am dorit din toata inima ca in anul nou sa descoper adevarata dragoste sa iubesc si sa fiu iubit si de aunci uite ca s-au scurs mai bine de 14 luni dea dreptul binecuvantate. Intr-un material precedent scriam in trecere despre asa zisele aventuri la parcurile de distracite, gratarele sau despre vacanta din Moldova din toamna anului 2014, moment de cotitura si certitudine.
Revenirea acasa a fost ceva extraordinar, revenem pe plaiurile natale dupa doi ani, campurile pline de coceni aurii, verdele maroniu a naturii tomnatice neau sarutat suav simtind pentru a cata oara aerul de octombrie incarcat de sarbatori, soare bland si caldura domolita a unui anotimp inclinat spre iarna. Mereu am sustitinut si inca pastrez vie ideia ca desi am iesit dintr-un mediu comun, drumul meu in viata va fi unul spectaculos, cu urcusuri si coborasuri, invesmantat in exoctic, feieric, vis, cantec, poezie, dans, muzica, rugaciuni, lacrimi, dezamagiri si impliniri totale. Intors acasa am avut parte de toate acestea in doze diferite si pentru nespusa bucurie ii multumesc Roxannei, familiei si prietenilor pentru toate momentele deosebite, sprijinul si incurajarile primite. M-am regasit prea rar in atmosfra cluburilor galagioase in care nu te poti intelege om cu om, tocmai de aceea nu ne-am aruncat in valtoarea vietii de noapte a urbei de pe Bac. In schimb am gustat din bucatele traditionale, am discutat mult si am baut (cel putin eu) metri cu bere la povesti cu oamenii dragi. Ca sa nu fie vacanta chiar atat de scurta am pus umarul al contributie la un teasc, la o zdrobilca, la caratul vinului in beci, dar mai ales la disparitia lui in pahar, La multi ani, pace si sanatate! Inchina sanatos ioane, tu si iubita ta! Da Doamne!!!
Ce fac moldovenii cand nu au bani? Schimba o suta de euro! adevarat ma-m convins de acesta pe deplin :)) Ei si daca era tot toamna si erau o groaza de lume pe care trebuia sa-i intalnesc nu au lipsit categoric nici ca noptile racoroase de octombrie sa nu vibreze in acordurile chitarei, fredonand piesele incarcate de amintiri si licarul momentelor ce au trecut.
Am adus acasa teancul de carti adunat in Dubai si Abu Dhabi, iar la plecare in lunile ce au urmat l-am citit pe Max Werber, Thanatonautii(Calatorii in moarte) si Imparatia ingerilor, doua romane science fiction cu implicatii filosifice, teologice, antropologice, etc, etc, recomandate de Mihaita Budac, pe   care l-am regasit tot in bar, dar de data asta nu in Cheesecake ci in Propaganda pe Sciusev 69.
O buna parte din prietenii mei intre timp s-au casatorit si deja aveu cte unul sau doi copilasi zglobii pe care i-am intalnit la un loc intr-o duminica la Slujba de la Sfantul Pantelimon, crescuti in cariera asezati mai bine cu casnicia si privind cu credinta si nadejde in viitor, cenusiu, mai luminos, mai cert sau vag asa cum poate fie el privit in Moldova, tara tuturor minunilor. Iar Anele de la jurnalism pot sa confirme acest lucru .
Desaga lunilor care ne astepta e plina cu surprize si provocari, o excursie in Filipine, asezarea la casa noasrta in cele din urma(mutarea impreuna), afaceri, lucrul, masina, planuri,, planuri si ce-i mai important bebele, toate le vom rezolva pas cu pas cu binecuvantarea Celui de sus, rabdare si intelepciune.
Salutari calduroase din Emiratele Arabe Unite, care incet incet se infierbanta din nou, sanatate, privirea senina si nu amanati sa iubiti, nu lasati pe maine sau poimaine, fiti voi acei care mergeti si luati dragostea in brate, in piept, in priviri si le/ii sarutati patimas pe buze.
Acum ma uitam sa vad ce imagine sa postez sa fie mai atractiv articolul si mi-am adu aminte ca azi 20 martie 2015 a avut loc eclipsa de soare partiala si parca umbra metafizica a insecuritatii afective parea sa planeze in eter, parea, caci pentru mine abia incepea un nou weekend minunat cu draga mea in Abu Dhabi. Aloha!!!!
Ion M. Cerga.