Nov 25, 2013

Deasupra tuturor în turnul din Marina Mall

Există cu certitudine în fiecare om o dorința arzătoare de a realiza ceva în viață, de a crea un monument de fapte, emoții și edificii fizice care să amintească prezentului și viitorului de o persoană care a făcut ceva măreț la vremea sa. Nu există nici un dubiu că acest principiu este pus în aplicare într-o manieră strălucită de cei care prin hazard și ereditate le-a fost lăsată moștenire una din cele mai mari resurse de hidrocarburi naturale. Aruncând o simplă privire de ansamblu asupra ritmurilor de dezvoltare a acestor regiuni din Peninsula Arabă și Orientul Mijlociu, senzație de uimire este doar o descriere fadă a stării de perplexitate încercate la descoperirea megapolisurilor high-tech ridicate pe dunele nisipoase într-o perioadă de timp record.
După mai bine de trei zile de vreme instabilă, cu precipitații, astăzi duminică 24 noiembrie lucurile au revenit oarecum la normalitatea regiunii. Cerul înțesat de nori încet dar sigur a lăsat loc razelor solare, care au mângâiat cu lumina lor în asfințit capitala de pe tărmurile golfui persic, lăsând în urma sa un cer senin roș-albastru. Între timp, am agățat o eșarfă la gât am aruncat o cămașă pe mine și am ieșit în oraș. Unul din amicii mei din Kârgâstan mi-a povestit că un loc minunat pentru turiști și nu numai este Marina Mall, datorită amplasării sale geografice, a peisajului incântător care se desface privirilor curioase de la înălțimile vulturilor din resataurantul aflat în vârful turnului din acest complex comercial.
Pentru cine nu știe, Marina Mall a fost inaugurat în 2001 și a fost extins ulterior de două ori. Este amplasat pe o suprafață de circa 122,000 de metri pătrați, are cinci nivele și cuprinde 400 de magazine și 48 de restaurante, cafenele sau fastfooduri împrăștiate în lung și-n latul mall-ului(1).
Pentru împătimiții de cumpărături și înlâlniri în astfel de locații puzderia de branduri, cafenele, cinematograful și gigantul comercial Carrefour, cu certitudine vor garanta un grad sporit de relaxare fizici și financiara, dar nu despre asta mă gândeam să vă povestesc azi. În timpul expediției mele în care fotografiam în stânga și-n dreapta deasupra mall-ului au început să planeze niște avioane, până la urmă am aflat că este vorba despre avioanele de la Red Bull Air Force sau ceva de genul care fie exersau manevrele de ziua națională a Emiratelor Arabe Unite fie își prezentau măiestria pe bune cu artificii de pilotaj excepționale, lăsând în urma lor dâre de fum roșii, albastre, gri sau galbene. A fost o senzație excepțională căci nu asistasem până acum la un astfel de spectacol și poate din simplul motiv că nu mai văzusem atât de aproape avioanele de vînătoare.

Însera și urmând sfatul amicului meu am urcat în turnul de veghe cu restaurant la ultimul etaj, de aici se deschide o panoramă impresionantă de 360 de grade în care se vede Hotelul Prezidențial și încă un complex hotelier aflat încă în construcție, priectate în stil tradițional arăbesc asemenea palatelor din filme sau desene animate, care sfidează apele străvezii ale golfului prim măreția și sobrietatea specifică modelului arhitectural. Alături poți umrări traficul aglomerat de pe podul care face legătura dintre insulă și restul orașului la mai la stânga este amenajat clubul de iahturi cu o mulțime de ambarcațiuni care mai mici care mai mari, în funcție de conturile bancare și preferințele fericiților proprietari. Nu departe de aceasta se arborat un stea uriaș al acestei țări care poate fi văzut de la o mare depărtare iar în preajmă este o clădire nu prea înaltă având un acoperiș în formă de cupolă, din câte am putut să înțeleg din Google maps, pe acestă peninsulă sunt construite Teatrul Municipal și Heritage Village(Satul tradițional), locurui despre care am să vă povestesc câte ceva data viitoare.
Notă informativă: tot aici este amenajată o parcare pentru circa 4000 de automobile, atât în exterior cât și in interior, iar pentru cei care preferă transportul public puteți găsi în stația de autobus autocarele care vă vor transporta în mai toate regiunile orașului. O călătorie costă doi dirhami(aproximativ 2 roni sau 7 lei) în timp ce un amonament lunar la toate rutele care circula 24 din 24 de ore nu costă mai mult de 80 de drâhme, cum îi zic monedei locale unii conaționali de ai noștri mai șugubeți.
Cam atât am avut a vă povesti despre Marina Mall, prospecțiunile orașului sunt abia la început și sunt ferm convins că în față mă asteaptă multe locuri pitorești și interesante despre care cu voia celui de sus am să vă scriu ce și cum. Până la noi întâlniri. Din Abu Dhabi, pentru toți internauții din toate colțurile, Ion M. Cerga. 


Nov 22, 2013

On board of Amsterdam Navigator

Amsterdam is an 8.4% alc. beer for those who appreciate full-bodied aroma, smooth taste and extra strength. The higher alcohol content is achieved through traditional brewing techniques. The high quality, rich-flavoured beers are brewed from only the best natural ingredients. Unlike other strong beers they contain no additives or added alcohol. It is made in Netherlands, Category: Lager, Color: Golden yellow, Flavor: Strong and malty, Alcohol Content: 8,4%, Packaging: 24/500ml.
Main: It was just another boring wednesday afternoon. It was raining in the morning when i went to the work and during the day i was the captain on the ship where the great effort of slave labor, made it posible that from the ceeling was falling down the water in the midlle of the shop, to be more specific on one of our beautifull lady manechens. Brave crew of the mall worked hard and in the end the issue was solved. By the time i should go home i've got a phone number of a persons who has couple cool placesc for sailors so i decided to check it out, what's going on there. Informed, armed with some picture on my phone i jumped in a full bus going to Tourist Club Areea. On the way to get the key from my great place on living in Abu Dhabi i meet a conational in T.H. and from then on couple hours the we've got the journey back in future developed so nice and quick part becouse of this amaizing drink named: AMSTERDAM NAVIGATOR. 20 november 2013 in Abu Dhabi is raining, Romania, Sweeden, Ukraine, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Moldova will watch the football world cup from Brazil 2014 on the TV. Back home is coming the winter and the temerature going slowly down, meanwhile the politics are dminated by up coming summit from Vilnus, so important for rulling pro-european governament.  Things seem to go better everywhere even in a such small country as MD. Is the end of the month the payday is coming and everbody waitng to it like for a fresh breath of oxigen. In vino veritas, ok, and in the beer as well, couse after a glas or two of this magic drink the conversation develops and transfoms the comunication in a plesant and nice way to spent a ordinary working evening faraway from the family, friends and native places. Khalas no problem, that was all for tonight. 

Nov 18, 2013

Logos the ship of hope and care

The human existence in this life is quite short, but the momories of the great deeds and onestity are the moments that remains in mind and soul of people even were past long ago on another bridge of the life. Despite everything there are still people loving and taking care about people who need care, hope and a reason to struglle with the problems of cotidian living and the volunteers from ship Logos shows an elocvent example of this courage and kindness.

Last week coming back from Dubai i had the rare fortune to have a nice conversation during the road with one young man from Newcastle, Australia, who told me couple things about one volunteer project called Logos, hope and care in which he was taking part for allmost a year. Despite all my reserves regarding NGOs, i understood in the last couple years the importance of different this kind of non-profit organizations which gives the oportunities to young boys and girls descovering better the world, the comunities, the society and the secret conectiontions between people through comunication and interaction. Years past by and now i find myself in a totaly different enviroment, with a different religion, mentality and a pot of cultures from all over the world. Just an open mind, well intended atitude and couple of strong goals graved deep in my mind and soul made me feel free and lose the pressure of new. In this way  i made new friends and built the bridges of understanding with arabs, hindus, shrilankas, philipines, pakistani, egiptians, morocans, tunisians and so on. It was a nice experience to descover this groupe who are giving to people around the world help(donating books, medical equipment), care(organizing workshops, trainings, rebuilding the schools, hospitals) and hope for a better live.
As i said The program Logos- help, care and hope is an international volunteering project which started more then 40 years ago, ideea belong to a generous american who started everything by delivering books by truck in India. Meanwhile the projects grows, the number of volunteers encrease as well as the number of persons willing to help and donate money and goods. I was really emoresed by that thing that the parents of that boy from the bus they meet and falled in love almost twenty years ago during this project. I couldn't hide a smile today when i descovered that there were another german couple who were preparing to celebrate their weeding on the ship the day i was there. 
More about the project: on the board thare are like 400 persons from more then 52 countries, all of them a volunteers. A person who want to aply for this project can chose a period starting from three to six monthes up tu a year or two with the oportunity to extend this experience. All people on the board are working, except babies, couse as i suposed to let you know there are as well families on board. There are 5 different departament such as: kitchen(the galley), acomodation, enginecomandament, workind on deck and book shop. Becouse there are people from different countries the common language of comunication is english, and between  the work and the free time there are diferent activities of teambuilding, trainings and the preparation for events and the missions from up coming place to visit and help. On board  there is a big dining rooms where the crew taking their meals three times a day, its organized as a bufet so everbody can had the iteam they prefer or they use to have back home, it's a tough mission for cook to prepare the food for a such international and multicultural crew but they a trying their best to make all of them happy, use to tell me Katerina Lynch the Media officer of this program, during the excursion on the ship. I have never been before on the board of a such big ship and i was epressed visiting the comanding aree where a meet two nice ladies, one from Australia, one from Great Britain, who told me that this volunteering experience is the great oportunity for those who loves the sea and ocean, to gain the experience and the hours of working on board, that will help them to join a sailng companies, or comercial ships afterwards, speanding less time and money for studies, couse they work, study and getting better on this field every single hour, day, week, month or year.
Another person, gary told me that being on the ship is more than a volunteering proces, its an a great oportunity to get more confidence in yourself and in your team, is a oportunity to travel and try to make life of other people better and brighter, things that brings a lot of happyness, and peace for each of the participant of this project. 
By the end i meet again the boy from the bus we had a short talk, i bought a book, some souvenirs and left this ship of hope and care with a strong desire somehow to join this team at least for three monthes whenever int the future, couse to bring a smile on a face, and make some people happy is a great miracle and a action that make this world better.   

Nov 13, 2013

Stubborn Love - The Lumineers (acoustic cover)

Nov 4, 2013

Rihanna, blizzkrieg and crazy drums

One of the biggest world of reserve of petrolium is situated under the sands of Abu Dhabi, state and the political capital of United Arab Emirates. Despite the huge differens between this city and Dubai. At this point we can start from the simplest things such as the geography( Dubai i a city rised up on the Sheyh Zayed Road, paralel with Jumeyrah Road and the golden beaches of persian gulf. As far i could find out Abu Dhabi is a city in great economic shape with lots of Mall coming to opening in near time, a huge construction areas with rising skyscrapers for buissness offices, apartments or five stars hotels. Not so far, yesterday walking along cornishe road i enjoy the view of artificial beach, the parc with running and bycicles path, green areas with trees, benches, fountains, cafe shops, restaurants, stages for public entertaiment and the lights of the bridges that conecte the islands. As well as everyone know Saint Pitersburg the norther and cultural capital of Russia is a wonderfull city buitl on Neva river, consisting of many islands conected by removeble bridges, as well in the capital of UAE there are Reem, Lulu, Yas and couple more islands that forms this splendit place of living.
For biggest part of human being Ceasar is the name of a delicious salad, for those who read more, this is the name of the great roman emperor who difeated gal tribes, conquer Germany, creates first triumverat and said on arriving in Britain the famous words: veni, vidi, vici(we came, we saw, we won). Following our great emperor, the life and joy in new enviroment and place strikes some point of life enjoying unknown before in this country. All the story begins with a nightmare for Liverpool's fans all around the world with that painfull difeat 0-2 on Emirates stadion from Arsenal, some beers and cigaretes brought an relief that prepared the way for an international hang over later on with spanish, italians, french, tunisians, egiptians, americans and so on visiting this town for world tour of Formula 1 circuit, and it's worldknown artist who performed between the races. Grilled mix of meat ala sirian style, three american billiard games and a coming back party with life music(there were canadians, english and irish in the band) combining with waves of dubstep, hip-hop, r&b were showered with stella Artois, tequilla, sambuca and many other magical drinks of happyness and mindblowing. Youth of 21st century use to treat a party as a fight ring, and acts as that great roman emperor, you go, you se, you punish, mission compleate, blizzkrieg ends succesfull. After all is tought to claim where is the place of the author of this lines between Ceasar, Atilla, Napoleon, Hitler or Eisenhower, the truth remains somewhere behind the lines.
All right you may be wondering whats all about Rihanna from the title, well i think i could get more page views or the true is much more prosaic. Last week after a 12 hours duty, i was woked up by a roommate excited the oportunity to see a life performance pf americam diva for free on the opening of the new mall on Al Maryah Island. Went, saw the biggest Sheykh of the country, fashion deffiles with lovely male and female models and with an shining welldressed, goodlooking, inteligent and wealthy atendence from vip seats, who were lunching the brand new fashion luxury brands stores after the grand opening went over. Rihanna was performing couple days begorebthis event, took some video and photoshooting but at least muself i didn't saw her that night.
Dear friend basicly of you had this titanic patience and to,curiosity to read it till the end, i give you my sincer gratitude for joing with me the trip in this two past weeks from Abu Dhabi. Life is great and doors are waiting for each of us to get ready and go ahead to take our chance.

Nov 2, 2013

The dot on i

There are a lot of sayings that the most important thing in the changing enviroment is the begining and the your atitude. Meanwhile i get couple good mark on the test about patience, teamworking, comunication and the ability to create propper human relation everywhere posible, in the sharing room, at the kitchen, in the elevator, in metro or bus, in plane, at work or in the club. Maybe you will find it overpast but there is an obsesion for the order somewhere in one of the corner of my mind, and i use to put hart and life in everything i do, using as much ortographical sings the grammar can offer. For instance the arriving in this world of wonder, which me and my friends use to se just on internet or on the silver screen became a double dot(:) with all the aspects of living, working, culture, glamouros cars, women, boutiques, hotels, and medieval poverty and unhuman condition of living and labor for hidus, nepali, philipinas or other nationalities. the test of mind and the character when a dot was imminent, to live everything and returnig home uping the shoulder with a stupid excuse like it's nice, but it's not for me, i transformed in a comma(,) and continued the struggle for fortune. I have never imagined that there are so many details must to follow to put on the way a clothes store: the alarms, the security tags, the pricing, merchandizing, internet, telephone and the operational sistem for transaction, trainig for the emploeers, inventory, light and the AC and so on till you're lost and don't know what to do and with what to start.
To be honest the start of the new life in Abu Dhabi was quite exciting with free alchool on sale, with new job, and people i've got to meet. Despite all this 15 hours shifts, i use to come home peacefully, cooking my dinner in a room with a rat family between the levels, sending short messages to beloved people, reading some pages of literature and preparing the mind for all great oportunities that are opening in front of me right here. Beside the work in my opinion a person should to develop his multilateral soul with music, readings, movies, diferent kind on curiosities, adventures, dancing and sport, couse the mistery and the beauty on his own happyness lay through his desire to be happy and live a fullfilling life. This is the dot on i for tonight so what's next, maybe some literature, poetry, philosophy, psychologi, music, pictures, spirituality, facts and dreams, all or none, or as lathin use to said aurea mediocritar a little bit from everything in a well dosed amount.