The human existence in this life is quite short, but the momories of the great deeds and onestity are the moments that remains in mind and soul of people even were past long ago on another bridge of the life. Despite everything there are still people loving and taking care about people who need care, hope and a reason to struglle with the problems of cotidian living and the volunteers from ship Logos shows an elocvent example of this courage and kindness.
More about the project: on the board thare are like 400 persons from more then 52 countries, all of them a volunteers. A person who want to aply for this project can chose a period starting from three to six monthes up tu a year or two with the oportunity to extend this experience. All people on the board are working, except babies, couse as i suposed to let you know there are as well families on board. There are 5 different departament such as: kitchen(the galley), acomodation, enginecomandament, workind on deck and book shop. Becouse there are people from different countries the common language of comunication is english, and between the work and the free time there are diferent activities of teambuilding, trainings and the preparation for events and the missions from up coming place to visit and help.
On board there is a big dining rooms where the crew taking their meals three times a day, its organized as a bufet so everbody can had the iteam they prefer or they use to have back home, it's a tough mission for cook to prepare the food for a such international and multicultural crew but they a trying their best to make all of them happy, use to tell me Katerina Lynch the Media officer of this program, during the excursion on the ship. I have never been before on the board of a such big ship and i was epressed visiting the comanding aree where a meet two nice ladies, one from Australia, one from Great Britain, who told me that this volunteering experience is the great oportunity for those who loves the sea and ocean, to gain the experience and the hours of working on board, that will help them to join a sailng companies, or comercial ships afterwards, speanding less time and money for studies, couse they work, study and getting better on this field every single hour, day, week, month or year.
By the end i meet again the boy from the bus we had a short talk, i bought a book, some souvenirs and left this ship of hope and care with a strong desire somehow to join this team at least for three monthes whenever int the future, couse to bring a smile on a face, and make some people happy is a great miracle and a action that make this world better.
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