Nov 2, 2013

The dot on i

There are a lot of sayings that the most important thing in the changing enviroment is the begining and the your atitude. Meanwhile i get couple good mark on the test about patience, teamworking, comunication and the ability to create propper human relation everywhere posible, in the sharing room, at the kitchen, in the elevator, in metro or bus, in plane, at work or in the club. Maybe you will find it overpast but there is an obsesion for the order somewhere in one of the corner of my mind, and i use to put hart and life in everything i do, using as much ortographical sings the grammar can offer. For instance the arriving in this world of wonder, which me and my friends use to se just on internet or on the silver screen became a double dot(:) with all the aspects of living, working, culture, glamouros cars, women, boutiques, hotels, and medieval poverty and unhuman condition of living and labor for hidus, nepali, philipinas or other nationalities. the test of mind and the character when a dot was imminent, to live everything and returnig home uping the shoulder with a stupid excuse like it's nice, but it's not for me, i transformed in a comma(,) and continued the struggle for fortune. I have never imagined that there are so many details must to follow to put on the way a clothes store: the alarms, the security tags, the pricing, merchandizing, internet, telephone and the operational sistem for transaction, trainig for the emploeers, inventory, light and the AC and so on till you're lost and don't know what to do and with what to start.
To be honest the start of the new life in Abu Dhabi was quite exciting with free alchool on sale, with new job, and people i've got to meet. Despite all this 15 hours shifts, i use to come home peacefully, cooking my dinner in a room with a rat family between the levels, sending short messages to beloved people, reading some pages of literature and preparing the mind for all great oportunities that are opening in front of me right here. Beside the work in my opinion a person should to develop his multilateral soul with music, readings, movies, diferent kind on curiosities, adventures, dancing and sport, couse the mistery and the beauty on his own happyness lay through his desire to be happy and live a fullfilling life. This is the dot on i for tonight so what's next, maybe some literature, poetry, philosophy, psychologi, music, pictures, spirituality, facts and dreams, all or none, or as lathin use to said aurea mediocritar a little bit from everything in a well dosed amount. 

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