I was always inspired be the people who change this world, the way it is known, the way the state of mind rules the society, the civilization and the understanding of the truely meaning of human being destiny and his place under this wonderfull and deeply sky. This is the main reason why a ordinary son of their parents, absorb like a spounge all the good thinks that preech the church. Time is going and in that same moment that change the desteny of the people i decided despide all the stream to study history, and the evolution of all human activities from the cave man to modern days. To be honest it was one of the greatest experinces in my life studing diferent subjects such as archilogy, antic, middel ages, modern and present history, but one of the most interesting couses i had was the history of mentalities, ruled by the dean of our Faculty of Histroy from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Alexandru Florin Platon. To tell you about my student ages, it requires to much time, papper and a essential quantity of drinks and food, that's why i switch the view to lands and people abroad my native places.
As may you noticed i am a persond who descover this world step by step, impatince and the thurst of knowledges paved my way through almost 13 months tooked all together which i lived in United States of America, working and travelling as well as thousands and thousands of students around the world who chose for their summer holliday destination the American Dream. American experinces were something special for me and helped my to understand better the where the reality and fiction creates another world, the temptation to become a dreamer is irezistible. From that craizy octomber 2009 past almost three years, a lot of things happened in the world and how strage does it sound i've got couple more years on my life acount, and with them some experinces that bring a sweet smile in the corner of my mouth during the rewathching pictures and videos made in the states. Now, as you can see, i am in Dubai, and between the shift of work and necesary sleeps, i continue the venture in arabic world, totaly diferent than mine or american's in it's simbolical interpretation. There is a lot of thinks which i'd like to discuss with you, but today i will try to explain some point about the transportation in Dubai, one of the Arab Emirates.
The transportation network is one of the main component of a big modern city. Depending of the activity of the person, there are diferent type of relocation things and people from place to place. In this order becouse in this town there are so glamouros buildings such as Burj Al Arab or Burj Khalifa, i can asure you that there are people who use helicopters in daily activities, beside this there are luxury limuzines, company cars, metro, public bus, water taxi and of course THE CARLIFT.
In a town of continuing development, where are working a impresionant number of international labor, there are special companies who provides them not jut the acomodation, work permit, etc etc, but and the special buses for transportation. This kind of service is wellknown in Dubai as carlift servise, or just carlift. You can get the advantages of this kind of transportation from the video, so basicly, for better saving money a part of workers chose this kind of transport. Despide that think then in the beginig i use to spent at least two hours before the job, and after the end ot the working day i was waiting another two hours to get home, with the bus that was nemed nicely Galaxy, i renamed it in Nepali Galaxi, becouse almost all the pasangers ware from that country. Becouse the driver use to pick everbody to their places it use to take a while till he use to let me to my adress. Right now i get to work for 15 minutes, and for the same amount of time i am home, i am glad that it helps me to not be late at work, and after the shifts i should not call the taxi.
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